One thing to try subclassing NSTextField to return NO to the NSResponder
-resignFirstResponder: where the default is YES.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 11:31 AM Andreas Höschler <>

> Hi Fred,
> in the meanwhile I was able to test the
> - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
> {
>  NSLog(@"mouseDown ...");
>  [NSApp preventWindowOrdering];
>  [self highlight:YES];
>  NSEvent *mouseUpEvent = [[self window]
> nextEventMatchingMask:NSLeftMouseUpMask untilDate:[NSDate distantFuture]
> inMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode dequeue:YES];
>  NSPoint mouseLocation = [self convertPoint:[mouseUpEvent
> locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
>  BOOL mouseUpInside = [self mouse:mouseLocation inRect:[self bounds]];
>  if (mouseUpInside)
>    {
>     if ([self target]) [[self target] performSelector:[self action]
> withObject:self];
>    }
>  [self highlight:NO];
> }
> code fragment (NSButton subclass) on GNUstep. And as expected it does not
> work there. So I am still looking for a solution ...
> Do you know which part in the GNustep source tree resigns fist responder
> from a currently active control and transfers it to a clicked button? I got
> somehow lost in the event handling code.
> Thanks a lot,
>    Andreas
> The method preventWindowOrdering is a NOOP on GNUstep, so it won’t help
> you. Put if this is what helps you on MacOS then most likely your touch
> panel is stealing the focus. You should try to override canBecomeKeyWindow
> for that panel.
> Hope this help,
> Fred
> Am 30.03.2020 um 19:13 schrieb Andreas Höschler <>:
> Am 30.03.2020 um 15:19 schrieb Andreas Höschler <>:
> Hi Fred,
> in NSButton you find this code:
> - (BOOL) acceptsFirstMouse: (NSEvent *)theEvent
> {
> return YES;
> }
> You will need to write a subclass to handle this different.
> Thanks a lot for your response. I created a subclass KbButton and
> overwrote this method like so
> - (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent
> {
> NSLog(@"%@ returns acceptsFirstMouse NO", self);
> return NO;
> }
> When I click on the button the currently active NSTextField looses first
> responder and the action of the button is called
> 30/03/20 14:42:16,912 ScaleMaster[59798]: strike sender <KbButton:
> 0x7b82ae50> stringValue A
> The method acceptsFirstMouse: of KbButton is never called. So this
> unfortunately does not work, at least not on MacOSX (dev machine for the
> project). :-( I will port the code to GNUstep and see whether GNUstep
> behaves differently. Will let you know ...
> Well, yes. I'm afraid Fred's advice is wrong (even though . While the code
> in -[NSWindow sendEvent:] indeed requires  The method acceptsFirstMouse is
> supposed to serve a different purpose. When you activate window by clicking
> onto it, acceptsFirstMouse governs whether this click is passed to the
> control under the mouse (acceptsFirstMouse returns YES) or whether it is
> only for activating the window (acceptsFirstMouse returns NO). Your
> original approach calling setAcceptsFirstResponder: with NO looks right to
> me. It is just that the code in -[NSEvent sendEvent:] gets the logic wrong.
> Where it currently says
> if ([v acceptsFirstResponder] && ![self makeFirstResponder: v])
>  {
>    return;
>  }
> it should really say
> if (![v acceptsFirstResponder] || ![self makeFirstResponder: v])
>  {
>    return;
>  }
> I got this working on MacOSX by subclassing NSButton and doing
> - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
> {
>  NSLog(@"mouseDown ...");
>  [NSApp preventWindowOrdering];
>  [self highlight:YES];
>  NSEvent *mouseUpEvent = [[self window]
> nextEventMatchingMask:NSLeftMouseUpMask
>  untilDate:[NSDate distantFuture] inMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode
> dequeue:YES];
>  NSPoint mouseLocation = [self convertPoint:[mouseUpEvent
> locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
>  BOOL mouseUpInside = [self mouse:mouseLocation inRect:[self bounds]];
>  if (mouseUpInside)
>    {
>     if ([self target])
>     [[self target] performSelector:[self action] withObject:self];
>    }
>  [self highlight:NO];
> }
> I haven't tested that on the GNUstep machine yet. But if it worked there
> as well this would make my day.
> Best wishes,
> Andrea

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