I can set up another repository server for it easily.
I have my own hosting service so hardware is not an issue.

The question is also how often new packages should be built and how the
releases should be streamlined.
This is more an organisational question than a technical one.

Best would be if this could be automated in nightly builds or so. But
this means writing a lot of scripts to catch any errors etc.
Anyone has experience with this?

H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote on 17.12.21 11:35:
>> Am 17.12.2021 um 11:19 schrieb Andreas Fink <af...@list.fink.org>:
>> H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote on 17.12.21 10:57:
>>>> Am 17.12.2021 um 10:33 schrieb Andreas Fink <af...@list.fink.org>:
>>>> packages in Debian are quite old and don't support objc2.0. So they are
>>>> not suitable for new development.
>>>> I always build my own packages due to that.
>>> That is why I propose the idea to provide a separate, maintained repository 
>>> outside of debian.org
>>> but compatible to it...
>>> People just
>>> 1. add some /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnustep.conf to e.g. deb.gnustep.org 
>>> (see https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository)
>>> 2. download and install some GPG key
>>> 3. then apt-get update
>>> 4. and apt-get install gnustep
>>> 5. later apt-get upgrade
>>> Same can be done for Ubuntu.
>>> So if you already build your own packages, why not publish them in such a 
>>> repo? Incl. objc2.0?
>> it is public already. I use it heavily in my ulib library and all
>> libraries based on top of it (such as universalss7).
>> Add the repo key:
>>     wget -4 -O - http://repo.universalss7.ch/debian/key.asc |apt-key add -
>> or
>>     apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com
>> EE85CFC98EC405E3115EE86BD173212BFB27007D # UniversalSS7
>> add the repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list
>> Debian10
>>     deb http://repo.universalss7.ch/debian/ buster universalss7
>> Debian 11
>>     deb http://repo.universalss7.ch/debian/ bullseye universalss7
>> I can built for Intel and arm64
>> I also built one for Ubuntu a while back.
>> Not much difference.
>> The versions in my repo are built for my own use and thus are installed
>> in /usr/local/ to not interfer with anything installed from other sources.
> Good!
>> I can build a release version for debian 10 or 11 if I know how the
>> original packages where built.
>> (what config otions etc)
> That is nice!!!
> So we would just need some deb.gnustep.org forwarding so that the
> real repo location can be switched easily...
>>>> Btw who is the Debian maintainer for the gnustep builds?
>>> In my proposal it could be a member of the GNUstep community so we don't 
>>> have to wait
>>> for someone from Debian core...
>> I agree but "someone from Debian core" must be someone who built it
>> originally. The config of these builds is what interests me.
> Ok, that can be found out through e.g. (same scheme for all other packages):
> https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/gnustep-make
> There is a Maintainer list on the rightmost column.
> It mentions an e-mail address: pkg-gnustep-maintain...@lists.alioth.debian.org
> And you can also download the files gnustep-make_2.8.0-1.dsc etc. which 
> includes the config used for compilation.
> Or alternatively apt-get the source package and look inside how Debian would 
> build from source.
> BR,
> Nikolaus

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