So to summarize up, we need to get libobjc2 properly working under MSYS2
and we can continue with clang.
What are the isuses with libobjc2 not working under MSYS2? From what I
know libobj2 should not have many dependencies on the operating system
itself (well memory management and multithreading but not much more I
believe) but more on the architecture. But thats a birds eye view...

Gregory Casamento wrote on 06.02.22 01:14:
> All,
> As promised in my reply to Wolfgang, I am starting the thread
> regarding this migration.
> There are a number of factors that are driving this:
> --
> 1) GCC lacks support for many memory management features that are
> commonly used today
> 2) GCC's objective-c support is lagging behind and doesn't include
> support for @[], @{}, @autorelease, etc etc etc
> 3) Lack of bug fixes in GCC's implementation of ObjC
> 4) GCC team does not consider ObjC release critical and will and HAS
> released with broken support for building ObjC targets.  
> All of these things are UNACCEPTABLE
> There are a number of reasons why we still use GCC:
> --
> 1) Currently, libobjc2 does not support some architectures and also
> does not build easily on Windows under MSYS2.  While some older
> architectures are, perhaps, not as important, building on Windows
> under MSYS2 is critical.
> 2) GNUstep is an FSF project, so there is a political component if we
> don't support GCC anymore.   This is not a show-stopper but is
> something to consider.
> Advantages of LLVM/Clang
> --
> 1) ARC
> 2) support for modern features in objc that are commonly used
> 3) more developers will be able to port their applications to GNUstep
> Disadvantages
> --
> 1) libobjc2 is currently, as stated above, unstable or unsupported on
> some architectures / operating systems.
> Approach
> --
> 1) make sure that libobjc2 is supported on as wide a range of
> platforms as possible.  
> 2) Fix issues with building on Windows/msys2
> We should make the transition as easy as possible for people who are
> currently using GCC to switch over to Clang/LLVM.
> Please feel free to discuss...
> Yours, GC
> -- 
> Gregory Casamento
> GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
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