On 1/18/2011 6:31 PM, Dan Ritter wrote:

> Yes, I like a steel plate on my keyboard so it doesn't move,
> loud clicky keys that don't have to bottom out to register, and
> keyswitch construction that can last for years and years and
> years.

Loud clicky keys might be fine for a desktop keyboard, but they're a 
terrible idea for a laptop that is likely to be used in a crowded room. 
Way back when I worked for Unitech we got in a laptop for evaluation and 
it had a click keyboard -- I couldn't help wondering "what were the 
designers smoking when they designed this?"

And yes, keyboards, especially laptop keyboards, need to be more 
durable. I had to replace the keyboards on both my previous laptops (not 
the current one -- yet) mid-life because I wore them out.
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