> From: discuss-boun...@blu.org [mailto:discuss-boun...@blu.org] On Behalf
> Of Jerry Feldman
> >> We are running VMWare server for the time being until we get our
> > why not vmware player or workstation?  Both work in linux.  Player is
> > Workstation has free time limited trial.  IMHO, either one of these
> > would HAVE to be better than vmware server, which is an abomination.
> Most of our FEs have VMWare Workstation on their laptops, but we need to
> have our VMs with much more memory than you are going to find on a
> laptop. The server that we are using has 64GB, and we are pushing back
> on IT because the server they wanted to send us has 128GB max.  BTW: We
> have licenses for Workstation. The issue tends to be product related
> that requires an Oracle Express db.

I only suggested player or workstation as a temporary stopgap until you get
your real server.  I assumed then you'd be going to ESX or ESXi.  Please
tell me you're not planning to use VMWare Server instead of ESXi.

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