On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Chris O'Connell <omegah...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> My question is sort of cross platform.
> I have an 86 year old user here at my work.  He's very bright, but no
> matter
> how many times I tell him not to click weird email links or strange
> websites
> he does.  The result is a weekly visit into his office to run a 45 minute
> sweep for spyware, viruses and malware.
> I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a good sandboxing program that may
> help eliminate this problem given I can never get this guy to practice safe
> computing.
> He runs windows so a Windows sandboxing utility suggestion would be
> appreciated.
A VM solution would work well, assuming it wouldn't insult him. He might
choose not to use it in protest. ;-)

If you want a more transparent solution, I have heard good things about
Sandboxie (http://www.sandboxie.com). There's an episode of Security Now
that gives a good independent technical rundown of what it does and doesn't
do (http://twit.tv/sn172), although things may have changed a bit since it
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