On 07/16/2011 03:29 PM, Tom Metro wrote:
> Jerry Feldman wrote:
>> While Dell does make decent consumer grade PCs, I still question
>> their servers.
> I thought the general consensus was that the reverse was true.
> I've had limited dealings with Dell, and they haven't left me with a
> positive impression. I've known people who have had multiple failures
> with business-grade Dell laptops. I attempted to repair a consumer-grade
> Dell laptop (fairly current model at the time), and wasn't able to
> obtain a driver needed to reload Windows, nor get any support without
> paying a fee. (I avoided the issue by loading Ubuntu.)
> At the last BLU meeting the speaker conveyed an interesting point about
> how Dell successively outsourced more and more of its computer
> production to ASUS, who then eventually took the final step of selling
> their products directly to BestBuy under their own brand. A win for
> ASUS' business skill, though if they've been the OEM for Dell for a
> while, that makes me rethink the quality reputation of ASUS.
>  -Tom
Recently one of my coworkers was complaining that his Dell Laptop temps
were running very high. He also wanted to adjust the fan speed, but
there was no BIOS setting. Brought it to work, and one of my coworkers
took it apart, sprayed a bit of air on it to clear then vents and just
get the dust out of the fan. The system is working again.

In contrast, my Lenovo T60 runs 24x5 with no glitches.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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