Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
> I regularly throw 1G and 2G modules in the garbage, as people
> upgrade their laptops to 4G or 8G...

Hackerspaces, like Artisan's Asylum (http://artisansasylum.com/), might
be interested in those, as they could be useful for embedded systems.
(Not single chip systems, like those based on the Arduino, for example,
but larger, more complex boards, or projects using Mini-ITX boards.)

Similarly, I've been wondering if any hacker organizations have "bone
yards" to collect repurposable electronics. For example, a dot-matrix
printer provides a wealth of servos and mechanical parts that can be
used to make robots or 3D printers. Even old floppy drives can have
their motors salvaged.


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile: http://tmetro.venturelogic.com/
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