On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Jack Coats <j...@coats.org> wrote:
> Back when I worked for a bank, the good folks at SWIFT (yes, the
> Belgum based, world wide financial transfer system) sell 'secure IP'
> connections.  They charge High $$ and it is for 'private connections'.
> But those interested in 'secure connections at any price', it is
> something to look into.
> All the passwords, secure keyfobs/swipe cards', drove me crazy, but it
> worked, and the connections were secure.  We also had 'Fedwire'
> connections with the Federal Reserve and the SWIFT connections were in
> the same realm of 'secure'.  Plus SWIFT was 7x24, and Fedwire was only
> on 'bank business days' and was down for 12 hours per day.
> Just another datapoint for those who care.
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I'd be curious what SWIFTS definition of "Secure IP" really is.   What
exactly do they do that deems it "secure"?

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