On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Jerry Natowitz <j.natow...@rcn.com> wrote:
> We are currently one of the few families who have Verizon wireless service
> without a smart phone, or a data plan.  My daughter wants a new phone, but
> the only phones that she will consider are smart phones, which require a
> data plan, usually $30/month or more.  She doesn't want the smart phone
> features, she wants the higher quality keyboard.
> She did some research and found that the data plan requirement only applies
> to phones purchased from Verizon or an associated dealership. She found a
> place selling the Palm Pre, which it claims can be used on Verizon without a
> data plan.  I did my research and found people claiming that if you buy your
> own iPhone (but nothing about the Palm) and use it on Verizon, you will
> automatically be charged $30 a month for data.
> Also, my daughter currently texts, sends and receives photos, and some
> emails all within her unlimited texting allowance.  Some people say that
> smart phones will use the network stack rather than MMS service for emails
> and photo/sound/video.
> So my questions are:
> 1) Does Verizon automatically "upgrade" you to a data plan if you register a
> Palm Pre on its network?
> 2) Will the Palm Pre use the network stack rather than MMS, causing us to
> pay for network usage even if we don't use the web browser, or an email
> client?
> --

Take a look at Page Plus Cellular (pagepluscelluar.com)-   a prepaid
service which includes data, has excellent rates, and is a Verizon

I was with them before, and for the lack of minutes I use, and
planning to return to them in a couple of months.   Pretty much
Verizon's coverage without Verizon's contracts or prices.


>         Jerry Natowitz
> ===>    j.natowitz (at) gmail.com
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