Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
> Tom Metro wrote:
>> So you're syncing the encrypted files in the source directory. That
>> makes a lot more sense than using an encryption technology that just
>> creates an opaque image file.
> I use whole-disk, and file containers, and encfs, all for different
> purposes.  Each one of them makes sense in certain situations.

To clarify, I meant it makes more sense in this context where you want
to rsync the encrypted data.

>> One of the ways this can be addressed is to locally store an index of
>> file checksums...
> Do you know anything or anyone else that actually does this? 

It's worth taking a closer look at rsynccrypto to see whether it does.

I'd be surprised if one of the more heavy-weight backup tools, like
duplicity, didn't use this technique.

I wasn't aware that Unison did, as Richard points out.


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile: http://tmetro.venturelogic.com/
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