A talk tomorrow on p5-MOP, a module that provides syntax sweeteners to
create objects in Perl using a syntax that's more consistent with other
OO languages. It borrows heavily from the Perl 6 language design, and
enables that modern syntax on Perl 5.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Bill Ricker <bill.n1...@gmail.com>

Mark your calendars please. As we have an out-of-town guest speaker,
let's have a good turnout.


Tuesday November 12, 2013 E51-376

Stevan Little - A new object system for the Perl 5 core.

Description: In 2011 I started working on a project to improve the
object system in Perl 5. I wanted to take elements from Moose, as well
as bring in some more elements of the Perl 6 object system. The first
version of this work ended up suffocating under its own complexity, but
after this year's YAPC::NA I decided to come back to the project with a
fresh perspective and so far work is progressing very well.

In this talk I will walk through several examples of the proposed syntax
and feature set as well as discuss some of the underlying implementation
details. This will be an interactive talk and audience members are
encouraged to ask questions, poke holes in the design and help improve
the proposal.

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