John Hall wrote:
> There is a type of start up, and a catchy name for it I can't remember
> where the people working for it are all keeping their day-jobs and
> volunteering time for equity.

You are probably thinking of Hyperloop Test Technologies:

  Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, also known as HTT, is a
  research company formed using a crowd collaboration approach (a mix of
  team collaboration and crowdsourcing)[1] to develop a transportation
  system based on the Hyperloop concept, which was envisioned by Elon
  Musk in 2013.

  The company was founded by JumpStarter, Inc., utilizing the company's
  crowdfunding and collaboration platform JumpStartFund. The company has
  assembled a team of community members, attracting high level engineers
  and contributing corporations...

  ...the development work is being done by approximately 100 engineers
  who are located across the United States. The members are working in
  exchange for stock options, and were selected from a group of about
  200 who initially applied.

And recent related news:

  Using Musk's free design plan, Hyperloop Test Technologies, a
  crowd-funded company not affiliated with the Tesla and SpaceX
  billionaire, said it plans to build a full-scale model on five miles
  of land in California's Quay Valley.

I'm not aware of there being a name for this sort of crowdsourced labor
for equity model.


Tom Metro
The Perl Shop, Newton, MA, USA
"Predictable On-demand Perl Consulting."

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