Dan Ritter wrote:
> aldo albanese wrote:
>> ...in one article someone suggested to use TCP instead in the syntax instead 
>> of UDP.
> In /etc/fstab:
> hostname:/share           /local/mountpoint   nfs ro,tcp,rsize=1048576 1 1
> Assuming a readonly mount for large media files.

So rsize=1048576 is going to increase efficiency for large files, but
what's the advantage for using TCP instead of UDP? Presumably NFS
already has an error correcting layer on top of UDP. And when it comes
to performance, usually UDP is superior, which is why it gets used in
most real-time protocols.

How about mounting it read-only? Just good security practice if
read-write isn't needed, or does that gain you some performance as well?


Tom Metro
The Perl Shop, Newton, MA, USA
"Predictable On-demand Perl Consulting."
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