Richard Pieri wrote:
> Which in fact /reduces/ overall system security. Starting a Docker
> container requires root.

It's no worse than the previously mentioned solution that required sudo
to switch to a dedicated browser user. If you are running a shared
system (neither of these solutions are likely the right fit), and you
don't want the regular user to be in the privileged 'docker' group, then
use a SetUID script (or sudo rule) that is restricted to launching the
specific container.

> That's not even beginning to touch on the problems with updating the
> browsers. Because one doesn't update applications in a Docker container;
> one updates the whole container.

That's the recommended philosophy for using Docker in production
environments, but Docker also works perfectly well in a copy-on-change
model, just like a VM. Update the browser in-situ. (You can save the
state of the container if you want to be able to instantiate (or share)
clones of the updated container image.)


Tom Metro
The Perl Shop, Newton, MA, USA
"Predictable On-demand Perl Consulting."
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