Good timing. Just three days ago, I installed the Lightning plugin to Thunderbird for calendaring, and really like it. I use OwnCloud as groupware/CardDav/CalDav/WebDav/file sync, so now I have a CalDav client under Linux to share the same calendar data I access on my phone. It does do popup reminders. Since you don't love the cloud (I don't either which is why I run OwnCloud on my own server), you don't have to use it the way I am. But it's nice to have just another tab on Thunderbird instead of a separate app.

On 06/13/2017 09:51 PM, Nancy Allison wrote:
Hi, all.

I have Ubuntu 16.04. I would like to maintain a calendar that produces
popup reminders the way Outlook does.

I don't love the cloud and would rather have something that lives on my

Does anyone have any recommendations?

Thanks in advance.

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