On August 28, 2017, Rich Braun wrote:
>What's your [CrashPlan-like] strategy?

- For email, which changes frequently, hourly rsync to my Synology NAS
with RAID 6.

- For my main Linux computer, a nightly rsync to an external USB
drive. This drive is moved to a safety deposit box once a month,
swapping it with a second drive.

- For all computers in the house, nightly backup to my Synology NAS,
using rsync for Linux & Windows, or Time Machine for Macs. (This
includes a second backup of my main Linux computer.)

- For my most important files that would need to survive a natural
disaster, nightly GPG + rsync to a Linode server ($5/month and up;
linode.com). I don't trust any files to the cloud unless they're
encrypted by me first.

- For my third-party-hosted websites that generate their own data
(e.g., WordPress, MediaWiki), nightly backups (files + databases) onto
my main local Linux computer.

Dan Barrett
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