You mention other projects why not package other projects as options for
instance during install. User is presented with a list of options for
instance thunderbird for email etc?

On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Zaphod Feeblejocks <>wrote:

> > > The Go-oo homepage also says "Going forward, the Go-oo project will be
> > > discontinued in favor of LibreOffice." Does that mean that LibreOffice
> > > is driven by Novell too?
> > >
> >
> > I wouldn't put in that simple words. Actually, LibreOffice is open to
> > any developer, individual or company that whishes to contribute to our
> > code and endeavour. On the TDF announcement we invited Oracle to join
> > us and suggested them to offer the brand OpenOffice to TDF (later this
> > was politely declined by Oracle).
> I think this is an important issue, and one which can be open to massive
> amount of FUD.
> I'm sure TDF is thankful to Novell for their input, but the wariness that
> exists to anyone who
> is working with Microsoft for any reason cannot be ignored.
> Ways to resolve this include:
> - Open (and easy to find) statistics on the numbers of current developers
> on LibO and their
> background.
> - More clear input from Google, etc., towards easy integration with Google
> Docs (in the way
> that the MSO integration with the web-based version of MSO will become
> something users
> expect).
> - Joint-branding with Thunderbird, Scribus, etc. There have been many posts
> on the OOo
> lists over the years asking "do you do a calendar?" or "Do you have a
> Publisher
> replacement".  No, we don't - but clearly promoting other open source
> projects and working
> with them to make life easy for people coming away from MSO helps all
> people.  This would
> include LibO pointing to downloads for Mozilla packages and vice-versa. If
> Mozilla wanted
> to point to both LibO and OOo as the projects grow apart, that's fine - we
> are all part of a
> larger OS fraternity.
> - Working on a common look-and-feel in a number of OS apps.  Could a
> Mozilla 'skin' that
> can be applied to LibO, OOo, Scribus, etc., be viable?  Or a 'Traditional
> OO' skin that can
> be used across packages be there for people who don't like to change UI
> much?
> What do you think?
> zf
> --
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Jonathan Aquilina

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