On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 07:37, Simon Phipps <si...@webmink.com> wrote:
> And right there you have both reached a point so familiar that even I have 
> written an article about it:
> http://webmink.com/essays/causality/
> "The fact it is still an open question after nearly 30 years of free and open 
> source software experience suggests both outlooks have merits, and we’ll not 
> resolve the question here!"

Nah. I was responding to the "removes rights" comment. Not "which
approach best improves the commons". I don't have much of an opinion
there because I agree with your article: both approaches improve the
commons, and it is very hard to determine which is "better". So I just
avoid relative value judgements on either approach w.r.t. commons.


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