Cor Nouws wrote:
Hi Samuel,

Samuel M wrote (23-06-11 17:06)
Why should'nt TDF go ahead and employ one of the former OOo
developers or someone else from the community? I think there would be
much interest from users and companys to pay for fixing bugs /
implementing new features.

Employing people is not such an easy thing. For example because you want to offer some sort of continuity. Looking at the LibreOffice ecosystem, it is successful because more and more companies give support. So the most natural to me, seems a situation where funding supports them in supporting :-) On the other hand, in the possible situation that there are so many smaller donations, that employing (a) developer(s) might be an option, but then in a way that there is no direct competition between TDF and the sponsoring entities. At that moment I think working with bounties could be a useful construction for that, which maybe also helps even further growing the community of non-bound developers.

The idea of bounties sounds better to me than actually having developers on payroll. For one thing it is far less complicated from a tax and accounting standpoint. Also bounties would work better from the standpoint of fixing individual bugs and adding individual enhancements. For instance what if a time arrives when for a few weeks at a time no one knows of a specific need?

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