2012/9/13 tashirosgt <tash...@zianet.com>

> Has anyone been able to save sessions of LibreOffice 3 writer?  By saving
> the
> session, I mean that if you are editing a document and log out, when you
> log
> back in, LibreOffice will automatically open the document that you were
> editing.
> I cannot save sessions of LIbreOffice writer using the Xfce window manager.
> When I reported this as a bug to the Xfce site
> (https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8981) the bug was closed with
> the
> suggestion that LibreOffice writer is responsible for the problem.   Is
> that
> true?  - or can users of other window managers (such as MS Windows 7, Linux
> Gnome 3,  LXDE etc.) save sessions of LibreOffice writer?

Tashirosgt, on my setup - 64-bit Ubuntun12.04 with the Cinnamon desktop and
running LibreOffice Version (Build ID: 360m1(Build:101)), if, after
logging out and logging in again, I click my Writer icon, the document I
was working on re-appears, i e, it is preserved....


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