
I am doing a PhD at Victoria university of Wellington (in New Zealand) and I am 
currently working on a research project that studies the influence of FOSS 
community newcomer experience on contributor behaviour (including community 
citizenship behaviours).

I am right now running a validation survey within the Perl community and will 
be running a full-scale survey in about 2 weeks  involving several FOSS 
communities. So far, KDE, Mozilla, Debian, and Gentoo are keen to participate. 
I am still trying to get more projects involved.

Here is a blog post I have written in relation to the project and the current 
Perl survey. It may give some further info:

 I am interested in including the LibreOffice community in the study as it is a 
very active and successful project which would provide insightful results. The 
dataset will be released under a CC license so that the involved projects will 
be able to work on the data themselves, hoping that the data can be beneficial 
to them.

I have already talked to Florian Effenberger and he has been enthusiastic and 
supportive towards the project. He has also suggested me to discuss about the 
survey to people in this mailing list.

Once the survey is live,  I would like to kindly request the help of some of 
you to help spread the word about the survey to LibreOffice community members. 
I would also like to ask whether some of you could share their insights about 
the best way to advertise the survey to LibreOffice people so that the chance 
to get a reasonable rate of participation is somehow optimal.


Kevin Carillo
School of Information Management
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600, Wellington NEW ZEALAND
(04) 463 5233 ext. 8679 | Room RH401

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