Hi everyone !

At last Open World Forum in Paris I was talking to a colleague from Red
Hat. We were discussing LibreOffice and our projects.

An idea he gave is to my sense SO CLEVER, and I think we should push it to
whoever might be interested, developers, discuss list or whatever...

The idea :

Enterprises are looking for a "office productivity" infrastructure that
they can deploy in the cloud, and that could act the same as Google
Doc/Drive does, but by doing it with full control over the documents.

He told me that this would doable and that we should take a look. He also
told me that not a lot of people are capable of providing such solution
right, and so if we can do this the Open Source way, it might even be

One great also to gain some revenue by having enterprise -oriented solution.

What do you guys think ?

*Monfort Florian*
BM2 Student at France Business School
Marketing Apprentice at Red Hat
Marketing Team Member at The Document Foundation
Mobile : +33 6 58 97 15 61

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