El 08/11/12 22:39, Tim Schofield escribió:
I can see the point behind working with one or more of the open source
browsers to better integrate libreoffice with the browser. I can even see
the point of offering that browser as part of the download, but I am not
convinced that writing yet another open source browser is a good idea. It
seems a waste of developer resources and it would be unlikely that enough
good developers could be attracted to do the work in order to compete with
the established projects.
I use coffee every day in the office but I don't expect libreoffice to
supply me with it :-)
Just my 2p for what its worth I am not a libreoffice developer.
On 8 November 2012 21:04, Randolph D. <rdohm...@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,
after some talks with some board members, the request rised to include more
members and developers in the idea of adding a browser to Libreoffice.
We know this needs time and work, but would not be impossible to add it to
the installer and create a place to be for it, and see, how the community
reacts to it and requests more interaction. This security orientated webkit
browser would be a good codebasis for that:
Any pro or cons from anyone? No person in the office works today without
the internet, the consequence is, an office suite needs or could provide an
open source browser. Anyone interested to test or join the idea or
recommendations for the steps to plan?
Regards Randolph
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