Hi everyone,

While I am one who likes to promote the exchange of information on such projects as LibreOffice; I would like to suggest perhaps a tweaking of the postings to the mailing lists. Here is what I would suggest:

* if you are posting to a list, that you consider where your post should be sent, and, try to minimize the amount of cross-posting to other lists. I was/am under the impression that the lists are contributor lists where their label describes their function. When a post is sent to multiple lists, please consider carefully the reason(s) why you post to these other lists; are these "work" items for the members of that group?

If you have cross-posted and find that only members of one list have responded to you, then, more than likely, your choice of sending off the post to multiple lists may not have been the best choice.

If cross-postings are kept to a minimum, then, we will all be better placed to contribute rather than spending more time re-examining a post that should not have been delivered there in the first place.

If you do cross-post to make people aware of an item of common interest, then OK. But if your post is of interest only to one contributor group, then, maybe it should only be posted to that group and not many others; this to help minimize the extra noise on the lists.

Just my thoughts on this.



Marc Paré
parEntreprise.com Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF)
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