According to the blog of Alfresco, LO is now offering integration
as experimental feature:

What are the plans on CIMS for LO 4.0 ?

I think this is a great feature and selling point vs MSO.


On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Immanuel Giulea

> OpenERP mentions explicitely OO but nothing about LO.
> Since LO is the improved version of OO, has anyone considered to contact
> the people from OpenERP to get them to update their docs?
> If we arguing in favor of integration with the product, we need their docs
> to be update so we can back up ourselves. And it should be tested.
> I also found out about the OPAL extension that used to work with OO
> And Alfresco is looking for help to integrate with LO, which is good news
> for us.
> Cheers,
> Immanuel
> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Boudi van Vlijmen <>wrote:
>> Congratulations! The good news is: Microsoft takes the effort to write a
>> document against LO&OO! If there is no threath, there is no reason to do so!
>>    - OpenERP integrates best with LibreOffice and OpenOffice (
>>    and not with MS-Word. (more cost effective than other business solutions)
>>    - Work tool aware organisations don't fall in the MS overtooling trap
>>    (a big issue for document management). Work files should be .odf and
>>    presentation and archiving files should be .pdf
>>    - MS - Office does not support all .odf 1.2 functionality (comments?)
>>    - Email clients for desktops will soon be outdated. Not for no reason
>>    Mozilla stoped with the Thunderbird development Calendering today is a
>>    typical cloud application.
>>       - By the way sending documents with email from LO works fine...
>>    - MS Outlook integration is based on legacy standards causing all
>>    kind of problems for receivers with no MS software.... (The .dat 
>> attachment
>>    problem)
>>    - Desktop calendaring (Outlook) will soon be outdated
>>    - Cloud colaberation tools like Google Drive work fine with OO and
>>    LO. Who needs colaboration tools outside the cloud?
>>    - Pivot tables work (different)
>>    - Last but not least LibreOffice features NO foot in the door file
>>    format trap! Also called vendor-lock.
>> So where is the argument?
>> LibreOffice;
>> Write is a perfect workdocument editing tool with great archive (pdf)
>> creation tool integrated,
>> Calc is a perfect spreadsheet tool with great archive (pdf) creation tool
>> integrated,
>> Impress is a perfect presentation creation tool with great archive (pdf)
>> creation tool integrated,
>> is a great platform for business administration automation with an
>> integrated IDE and a nice set of database tools included,
>> All for less than half the price! ;-)
>> And LibreOffice  Works on Windows and OSX for the same price.
>> In fact all the USPs for Word, Excel and Powerpoint disappear in a cloud
>> of dust.
>> MS clearly tries to sell outdated USPs as unique to the Late Majority.
>> Time for the Early Majority to switch! Time for LibreOffice!
>> Met vriendelijke groet,
>> Kind regards,
>> Boudi van Vlijmen <>
>> *Open standards or Open Wallets that is the question!*
>> Beleidsquote "Rijksdiensten moeten vanaf april 2008 ODF ondersteunen.
>> Mede-overheden en overige instellingen volgen uiterlijk december 2008.
>> ODF = .odt voor tekst, .ods voor spreadsheets, .odp voor presentaties"
>> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 4:30 PM, Immanuel Giulea <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> Microsoft put out a three-page document that hits on some of the
>>> weaknesses
>>> of LO (and bundles LO with OOo):
>>> Is there some materials that can explain the strong points of LO and
>>> offer
>>> counter-arguments to what MS says ?
>>> Some of the key points would be:
>>> - lack of calendaring/email
>>> - collaboration tools
>>> - pivot tables
>>> Immanuel
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