On 2 January 2013 16:00, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:

> I think the most important distinction to an end user, aside from knowing
> that both allow them to *use* the software in any way they see fit -
> personal, commercial, etc, is that the LO project is able to benefit from
> AOO code, but AOO is not allowed to benefit from the LO code.

Not strictly speaking accurate in that GPL software could not be *used*, as
in integrated into a closed source application, even if the user saw fit to
do it. But in general the essence is correct. Better or worse is a matter
of opinion.

On 2013-01-01 1:17 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <and...@pitonyak.org> wrote:
>> On 12/31/2012 02:40 PM, Immanuel Giulea wrote:
>>> In the marketing materials that I am writing covering LO vs AOO, I was
>>> wondering if it would be relevant to go into an explanation about why the
>>> GPL/LGPL licence used by LO was superior to the ASL as a "true open
>>> source".
>> An average user does not care and will likely only be confused by any
>> claim that LO is better than AOO based on LO using a more restrictive
>> license or some sort of moral high ground that people should only use
>> software using this license.  I expect that the more a person cares
>> about the distinction, the more likely they will not need marketing
>> material to explain it to them.
>>  I found this great document that explains the three "most common"
>>> licences:
>>> ASL, GPL and LGPL (MPL is not included) (1, 2)
>>> Any thoughts on how relevant it would be to extract some of the
>>> information
>>> and apply it on the materials?
>> Almost none. If you do desire to add something, I would probably say
>> something like this (but with cleaned up wording and more thought).
>> "Project contributors will note <blah blah blah>". Or have a section
>> that calls out advantages specifically for people that changes stuff and
>> contribute it back. The license is a choice, and some will prefer it and
>> some will not.
>>> Cheers and Happy New Year
>>> Immanuel
>>> (1)
>>> http://www.openlogic.com/**Portals/172122/docs/**
>>> understanding-the-three-most-**common-open-source-licenses.**pdf<http://www.openlogic.com/Portals/172122/docs/understanding-the-three-most-common-open-source-licenses.pdf>
>>> (2) 
>>> http://www.slideshare.net/**slideshow/embed_code/10518967<http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/10518967>
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