
It appears that the particular reflection feature in Java 7 is the 
security-exploit gift that just keeps on giving.  The answer is still to 
disable Java plug-ins in browsers and have Java installed only if you depend on 
it for something (certain LibreOffice extensions, Base, other Java-based 
applications, etc.).

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis E. Hamilton [mailto:dennis.hamil...@acm.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 09:10
To: 'Simon Phipps'
Cc: 'lj'; 'Libreoffice Discussion List'
Subject: RE: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice and Java Security: OpenJDK Vulnerability

Simon has just provided a superb account of the Java security problem in an 
InfoWorld blog post today:

I find this more-technical analysis to be plausible as well, and Simon's report 
provides context that makes it a bit more understandable:

[ ... ]

For users of openoffice-lineage software, I am not sure what the concern should 
be.  Disabling java browser plugins seems prudent.  It may be inevitable that 
web sites will cease depending on users employing such plugins with the famed 
Java Applet disappearing into history.

[ ... ]

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Phipps [mailto:si...@webmink.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 19:29
To: Dennis Hamilton
Cc: lj; Libreoffice Discussion List
Subject: Re: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice and Java Security: OpenJDK Vulnerability

I'm investigating, but the issue is a sandbox security manager bypass using
unauthorised reflection and that's exploited using Rhino Javascript. So the
context has to be a browser for there to be an issue even if OpenJDK is
affected. See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=CVE-2013-0422 for
lots of data...


[ ... ]

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