On 13-03-09, at 05:39 , Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:

> The conversation below happened in public, but not on the OpenOffice public 
> lists. I believe it's good to record its outcome here on the OpenOffice dev 
> list too.

Yes; thanks!

> Summary:
> - Question from Jim Jagielski: "Is a contribution under ALv2 + MPL + LGPLv3+ 
> acceptable to both OpenOffice and LibreOffice (and Apache Software Foundation 
> and The Document Foundation)?"
> - Answer by the OpenOffice PMC: "Yes (speaking for the OpenOffice project). 
> See http://openoffice.apache.org/contributing-code.html "


> No further discussion needed on the OpenOffice dev list. The ongoing 
> conversation can be read at: 
> http://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/discuss/

Thanks, Andrea, this is very useful.

> Regards,
>  Andrea.

> On 05/03/2013 Jim Jagielski wrote:
>> On Mar 5, 2013, at 10:34 AM, Jim Jagielski<j...@jagunet.com>  wrote:
>>> So far, I've rec'd an answer from AOO... I'd appreciate
>>> an answer from TDF as well.
>>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 11:39 AM, Jim Jagielski<j...@jagunet.com>  wrote:
>>>> BTW, Please be sure that I'm on the CC list, so I get
>>>> any and all responses :)
>>>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 8:08 AM, Jim Jagielski<j...@jagunet.com>  wrote:
>>>>> Hello there.
>>>>> This Email is being directed to the 2 controlling bodies of
>>>>> the Apache OpenOffice Project and LibreOffice (TDF). You will
>>>>> notice that I am sending this from my non-ASF account.
>>>>> Recently, at various conferences, I have been approached by
>>>>> numerous people, both 100% volunteer as well as more "corporate"
>>>>> affiliated, wondering if it was OK for them to submit code,
>>>>> patches and fixes to both AOO and LO at the same time. In
>>>>> general, these people have code that directly patches LO
>>>>> but they also want to dual-license the code such that it
>>>>> can also be consumed by AOO even if it requires work and
>>>>> modification for it to be committed to, and folded into,
>>>>> the AOO repo. My response has always been that as the
>>>>> orig author of their code/patches/whatever, they can
>>>>> license their contributions as they see fit. However,
>>>>> I have been told that they have rec'd word that such
>>>>> dual-licensed code would not be accepted by, or acceptable
>>>>> to, either the AOO project and/or LO and/or TDF and/or
>>>>> the ASF.
>>>>> Therefore, I am asking for official confirmation from
>>>>> both projects and both entities that both projectsSo
>>>>> are fully OK with accepting code/patches/etc that
>>>>> are licensed in such a way as to be 100% consumable
>>>>> by both projects. For example, if I have a code patch
>>>>> which is dual-licensed both under LGPLv3 and ALv2, that
>>>>> such a patch would be acceptable to both LO and AOO.
>>>>> Thank you.
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