Pedro wrote
> So my question is: is there any reason that LibreOffice under Windows does
> not install to \LibreOffice\?

There are a few issues that make it problematic.  Paramount is that the .MSI
packaging for Microsoft Installer is kind of fragile, and Andras Timar is
just one deep as primary maintainer of the multilanguage packaging.  We'd
need to hear from Andras and some of the other Windows integrators about
just how much work is needed--and what it could potentially break.  And also
their assessment of the impact it would have on addressing other higher
priority issues with Windows builds, e.g. file associations, 64-bit
installer logic, integration with Windows 8 shell, etc.

Also, the .MSI packaging does correctly handle the bundled
extensions--installation, upgrade and removal. Only 3rd party UNO API
extensions are an issue where the majority of the cross platform extensions
are written for use both on  AOO and LibreOffice and on Windows are
structured to install against the versioned installations.  No indications
AOO is moving to adopt non-versioned program installation folder for
Windows, which would likely complicate maintenance and potentially the
availability of specific extensions for LibreOffice.

One unintentional advantage of retaining a versioned installation under
Windows is the ability to cleanly install the base program and bundled
extensions into its own directory with no impact from non-managed

None the less, it is a reasonable enhancement, submit an enhancement
bug--should get additional perspective that way.


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