
one of the legal requirements of running a foundation is to send in an annual report. In fact, it's two reports: One financial report, which mostly Thorsten takes care of (thanks so much!), and one activity report, which is mostly on my desk at the moment.

We need to list all activities we have done, all milestones achieved, and hand that over to the authorities, to show that we have been doing what's outlined in our statutes, and that we were active and not just collected money. ;-)

This report is due end of April, and to be in time and have some reserve for changes and translations, the board wants to approve it end of March (!) already. It must be formally approved by the board.

I will look at the announce mailing list as well as the blog, but the more material I receive, the better it is. So, today, I would like to ask everyone in the community for feedback:

        - What major achievements have you done?
        - What events did you participate in?
        - Did you get new contributors, donors, supporters?
        - Did you participate in any third-party projects on behalf of 
        - What were your highlights of the previous year?

In a nutshell: We are about to write a review of our first year as foundation. The good news is, we have been very active. ;-)

The report will be public, so please only send in information that is meant for the general public. It does not need to be too technical, so rather than telling "we have implemented function XYZ, improved API functions ABC" and so on, make it understandable for a wide audience.

So we can collect all documents in one place, please send your feedback directly to i...@documentfoundation.org (I am not subscribed to all mailing lists). Images, videos, slides and other materials are highly welcome as well. You would *really* help me a lot if you could send already some written text I can work with, but if that's not possible, some keywords are ok as well.

2012 was an exciting and very successful year for TDF, so let's present this to the public - thank you for your cooperation on this!

Thanks a lot!

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