On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:

> exhaustively, yes, but not concretely. The exhaustive reply
> boils down to "it depends", which is really no answer at
> all. Furthermore, it implies that the simply inclusion of
> the alv2 as part of the license suite *does* change
> the dynamic, since something provided under mpl-lgplv3
> as not handed the same way "it depends"... Furthermore
> it does not describe the actual mechanism.

On the contrary, the answer to your original question was clearly that the
inclusion of ALv2 in the licensing of a contribution does not per se
prevent it being used.

You have then been given a more detailed response than appears to have come
from the AOO PMC: that licensing alone is not sufficient for an open source
project to accept any given contribution.

I don't understand why you continue to agitate and accuse.


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