Joel Madero schrieb:
I am adding Rainer to this as I think he has some points about mingw -
Hi Joel,
unfortunately I have no knowledge at all. The only reason for my MinGW
activity was that for a long time MinGW tinderbox build much more
reliably that the others so that it often was my only source for Master
builds. But unfortunately the results always only were usable for some
tests, but never for real use. And currently MingW builds are broken. So
thinking about alternatives is appreciated.
But of course, there might be some strategig thoughts I don't know?
As far as I know Eilidh McAdam had some activity with MinGW, and also
Michael Meeks, but that knowledge is very old (March 2012). May be you
should ask them or at an ESC call concerning the current strategy.
Best regards
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