Laurence Jeloudev wrote:
1. Would LibreOffice remove features in its full desktop suite, if it
created a mobile version with less features?

As with any other free (libre) software program, if you ever felt this had happened you could add what you wished to the software. You could also choose to distribute your variant of the software, even commercially, if you wished.

LibreOffice respects a user's freedoms to run, share, and improve the software. In other words, you have the freedom to make LibreOffice do what you want. You could choose to make the changes yourself or get someone to make the changes for you. You could even hire out your talents to make free software improvements to others as a consultant.

You don't have these freedoms with proprietary software such as Microsoft Office or Apple iWork. Those programs are distributed with the intent to deny you the freedoms free software grants. When you have the freedoms of free software you aren't relegated to choosing the least-worst proprietor.

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