Dear LibreOffice-Community and developer, The last few days I worked
with LibreOffice Draw and I have thought of two new features, that would
make the work with Draw easier. When you put a picture in the background
it was helpful to be able to turn it around if it is upside-down. I
would suppose the following classification: right-click on the
background-picture and choose properties(page
setup)/background/picture/options Besides that, I would like to ask you
to make it possible to keep the aspect ratio of a background-picture
just like with "normal" pictures and graphics. This was very useful when
working with pictures or graphics, which don't have the same aspect
ratio as the page/slide. I would classify this setting here: right-click
on the background-picture and choose properties(page
setup)/background/picture/options. Best greetings from Germany Jakob
Krueger PS: I'm sorry for my English - it's horrible and I hope, you
understand it anyway.

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