El 03/10/13 11:36, Anton Meixome [via Document Foundation Mail Archive] 
> Askboot galego para LibO
> Creo que este tema é propio da discusión en comunidade. Non só se
> resultaría práctico ou viable o mantemento dunha comunidade Askboot en
> galego para LibreOffice senón quen se ofrece (como mínimo 1 persoa
> durante un par de anos), e polo menos un par de persoas que se
> "comprometan" a responder cuestións e "animar" a participación.
> Por certo, a tradución do Askboot en galego está ao 100%, feita por
> este servidor.
> https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/askbot/language/gl/
> Eu creo que hai que valorar precisamente o feito de termos servizos
> infrautilizados. Non dan boa imaxe.
> Hai outros sectores da comunidade que necesitan moita máis
> participación como a tradución dos manuais, o wiki, e a tradución da
> Axuda que non atopan suficiente xente para avanzar substancialmente.
> Ora se preferides este ooutro tipo de actividade entón pídese
> Antón
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Olivier Hallot <[hidden email]
> </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4076156&i=0>>
> Date: 2013/10/3
> Subject: [libreoffice-website] Askbot for LibreOffice in your language
> To: [hidden email] </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4076156&i=1>,
> LibreOffice-l10n
> <[hidden email] </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4076156&i=2>>,
> "LibreOffice, website"
> <[hidden email] </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4076156&i=3>>
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Community (cross-posting on purpose)
> We are in position to deploy AskBot for LibreOffice (AB4LO) in many
> languages.
> Those individuals interested to moderate the Askbot for LibreOffice in
> his own language are invited to step forward.
> (We will not deploy an AB4LO instance without at least one moderator.)
> My experience as moderator for AB4LO in pt-BR is less than 5 minutes
> /day, and the rate of new questions is about 2 new question/days and 2
> new answers/day. Your mileage may vary, depending on how active is your
> national/language community. As example, you can check the pt-BR site at
> http://ask.libreoffice.org/pt-br/questions/
> Note: I had to complete the translation of the AB4LO web interface
> myself. I had to get a login in transifex and finish the job. Other
> languages are in incomplete state too. The list of available languages
> is at this link:
> https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/askbot/
> You may coordinate with your translator to get it completed.
> Why AskBot ?
> * There were several demands to deploy means of community
> intercommunication other than mailing list.
> * To get help thru mailing list, the process is to subscribe/confirm
> subscription/write mail to ask/wait response/get flood of unwanted other
> messages/unsubscribe/confirm unsubscription. This is too much 1990'ish.
> * AB4LO allows you to quickly ask for help, and get responses from your
> community. Unlike forums, AB4LO is aimed to establish a knowledge base
> on LibreOffice in your language and provides tools to search for a given
> subject quickly.
> * AB4LO is not suited to debates and discussions. Prefer the mailing
> lists for that purpose.
> * Askbot also allows you to login thru your OpenId credentials, such as
> Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc... Chances are that your users will use
> it frequently.
> * You also don't get e-mails unless you ask for in your profile.
> *My experience with AB4LO in pt-BR*
> As I said, I get 5 minute work as moderator. Most of the job is to edit
> the question and put in a format of a question seeking answers. I also
> narrow the tags for a better search. Sometimes people put Basic code in
> the details and I care to have it well rendered with the internal AB4LO
> editor tool.
> I had to close some questions on subjects unrelated to LibreOffice.
> Almost no spam so far.
> Some answers had to be demoted to comment and some comments had to be
> promoted to answer.
> The kind of questions asked has a good indication on the difficulties
> users have with LO and tells a lot about the user and the community.
> As moderator, you are not obliged to answers users questions.
> We strongly advertize Askbot for LibreOffice in many of our local
> communications.
> So, what are you waiting for? Get AB4LO now!!!
> Kind regards
> - --
> Olivier Hallot
> Founder, Board of Directors Member - The Document Foundation
> The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 - Berlin, Germany
> Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
> Legal details: http://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint
> LibreOffice translation leader for Brazilian Portuguese
> +55-21-8822-8812
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
> jsIrSXI3HRKkQtuUWo51WGdus1pb1Cn+8DBO0rrsTHe7DQcTfRyRvMHejpH1zplo
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> EvMJwS9eMziKG77W1s7gCGEU2jacWBtrb+GYv0wDdk1c8SF82JU6rQhEBrJCAR4c
> 4K6n0Ba2svQvlzJJ+FwH1tohd2j2g/MD7NY1Rvo61ueSEiObLgWQBvZ12/RM2cA=
> =esN0
> --
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> List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/website/
> All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be
> deleted
> --
> Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
> Galician community LibO & AOO
> --
> Correo a [hidden email] </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4076156&i=5>
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Boas noites,

pola banda das respostas, xa hai un. :)
pola de animar, deixade ver.

No canto da moderación si non xurde ningún mais, poderíase intentar, 
esperando que co tempo a comunidade medre e poda haber mais voluntarios.

Miguel Ángel.

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