
I still maintain that their script is broken! If that link would return a properly formatted PAC script, and Authoxy still didn't work, then I'd admit Authoxy was at fault. But I know from this end the cgi script is broken, and the testing you've done from your end suggests the same.

Show your tech support the output from the curl command we tried a while back. That should prove to them that it doesn't work!

Okay, here's another test you can do. Again, it requires the Terminal, unless you have another telnet application you'd prefer to use (% is the terminal prompt):

% telnet config.scu.edu.au 80
Connected to koala.scu.edu.au.
Escape character is '^]'.

Now, copy and paste the line below (unless you can type it reasonably quickly without mistakes) and then press return *twice*.

GET /cgi-bin/proxy.cgi HTTP/1.0

I get back the same error message we saw with a browser and with curl.

In any case, try Authoxy 2.2. The PAC support is much improved.


> From: Kurt Seemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dear all,
> Wish list.  My university tech support insists that Authoxy does not support
> auto proxy *.cgi scripts for Macs.  They won't budge on their analysis.
> http://config.scu.edu.au/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi
> This scripts work fine in a windows platform.
> So if this can be added as a review item in Heath's Santa Sack for 2004, it
> would be great!
> Kurt

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