> Now the problem: When I clicked the download link and tried 
> to scoll right to view more of the page Firefox actually 
> crashed --and I mean bad. It locked up my whole system.

Don't shoot the messenger, but something is wrong with your system. Firefox
shouldn't be capable of locking it up like that. I've never seen the long
line crash Firefox either, although that is conceivable.

> The one super long line is appearently a bit much for some apps. 
> After a hard reboot I save the file and pulled it up in Kate, 
> and yea Kate was struggling with it too, jittering as it 
> scrolled back and forth.

Doctor's advice: "If it hurts, don't do that!"

> Can I ask why you put everything on one line? Are you using a 
> code obfuscator to hide the source, or other reason?

As Dan explained, it makes the end-user download a lot smaller.

Go to the download page:


Choose one of the uncompressed downloads, and you'll be a much happier


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