Sam wrote:
> The plugin skeleton shown below is taken from the plugin model overview at: 
That is only one approach. It uses a closure (the "new function() 
{[code]}()" syntax) to hide variables and functions. You could as well 
use the second approach mentioned there, avoiding the closure. That 
maybe easier to understand if you are not familiar with scopes in 
general and closures in detail.
> 1 - I see jQuery coders like to encapsulate code in autonomous functions, but 
> I haven't read anything about why, and I'm not clear
> on why.  The benefit would be that locally declared variables aren't 
> externally visible?  That is, wouldn't the following code
> perform as well?
The basic idea behind all this "hiding" is to prevent namespace 
collisions. In other words: You don't want to overwrite other functions 
or variables and vice-versa, as this could cause serious trouble that is 
hard to find. To prevent collisions, every plugin author should expose 
only no more global functions or variables then absolutly necessary.
> 2 - The documentation describes the $.myplugin.publicmethod1 as being a 
> technique for coding "private" functions.  
> And on a related note, if we like documentation with public/private in the 
> names to improve the clarity, why isn't
> $.fn.mypluginmethod (in 1 above) named $.fn.myPublicMethod?
The names in the example are only choosen to show which functions are 
public and which are private. The scope is only defined by the context 
and syntax, not the name itself.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I learned most of this stuff in the last 
two months myself :-)

-- Jörn

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