> John, thanks for documenting all the stuff! But to be honest, I still
> have no clue, how to use $.ajaxTimeout properly. Obviously, it times out
> any pending connections but how can I react on that?
> What I try is to show the user a message like "Connection to the server
> has been lost".
> Anybody out there with a simple code sample? :)

Oh - sorry about that, something like this:

$.ajaxTimeout( 5000 );

    url: "doesnotexist.html",
    error: function( req, msg ) {
        if ( msg == "timeout" )
            alert( "Connection to server lost." );

I'm realizing now that I pass the message in to the second argument -
it should be the first. I'll change that in a later version, but it's
nothing major. Hope that helps.


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