Hi all,

I've got a problem, probably found a bug in jQuery.
The $.load function doesn't refresh the DOM in select-fields when
using IE6 (7 not tested) or Opera(8.5 and 9beta) but in FF it works.
I've got the following source (unimportant things are hided):

in Head:
      <script type="text/javascript" src="appxfile/jquery.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
          $("#KLS").bind("change", function() {

in Body:
                <td class="FixText">Klasse</td>
                <td class="FixText">Stichwort</td>
                  <select name="KLS" id="KLS">
                    <option value="AdrGruppe">Adressgruppe</option>
                    <option value="AdrVerant">verantwortliche 
                  <select name="STW" id="STW">

an Alert instead of the load function works.

Another Problem is to display a ToolTip (or any other hover-Thing) when 
hovering an option within a select-list like this:
<select name="KSWT">
   <optgroup label="foo">
     <option value="foo" title="foo">foo</option>

Without optgroup it doesn't work, too.

Thanks for replying (and please leave me a copy if you answer to the
mailinglist - i only receive daily digests)


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