That's an excellent point Yehuda.  It's very easy to under estimate
the work involved in making an entire application "accessible".  I've
suffered through this pain for a huge Swing application.  But at the
same time, people often over estimate what is involved (especially for
a small web-app or website).  The bar is actually rather low: the app
or site must be "usable".  If I disable css and js, can I use your
site?  If I use a screen reader with your site will it work?  It
doesn't have to be pretty and it doesn't have to be optimized (bonus
points if it is though).  It just has to work.


On 9/11/06, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Visual jQuery does not work without js. That was a purposeful decision I
> made to get it out the door and working. Obviously, this is something that
> probably will change in the future, but sites like Visual jQuery often can
> be released in a less friendly format, *especially if an alternative
> exists.* The existence of John's basic API made me much more comfortable in
> designing Visual jQuery around Javascript.
> Thoughts?

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