Hi all,

I have updated the tabs plugin a bit again. There is now an autoheight
option with which turned on all tabs have the same height. That avoids
jumping content on a page on tab selection.

$(...).tabs({fxAutoheight: true});

Not sure if I mentioned it here before, but you can also have a fade
and/or slide effect for the tab switching...

$(...).tabs({fxSlide: true, fxFade: true, fxSpeed: 'fast'});

If you omit the fxSpeed option it will default to 'normal'.

All kind of examples here: http://stilbuero.de/jquery/tabs/

If you use effects you should include the following CSS in your style
sheet to override inline styles and ensure printing (it's also in the
demo's CSS, but I think it's worth mentioning):

@media print {
     .fragment {
         display: block !important;
         height: auto !important;
         opacity: 1 !important;

This works in all modern browsers. Needless to say that IE is not a
modern browser. I will add that later.

-- Klaus

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