Hi guys,

I'm having an issue using JTip with IE 6. My select boxes are 
overlapping the popup DIV that JTip creates. You can see the issue here:


I've tried adding an IFRAME of the same dimensions as the JT DIV on the 
fly before the JT DIV is created, like this:

$("body").append('<iframe src="javascript:false;" name="jTipiFrame" 
id="jTipiFrame" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="display: block; 
left: 319px; position: absolute; top: 147px; width: 250px; height: 60px; 

jwidth = $( "#JT" ).width();
jheight = $( "#JT" ).height();
$('#jTipiFrame').css({left: clickElementx+"px", top: clickElementy+"px", 
width: jwidth+"px", height: jheight+"px", display: "block"});           

$( "#jTipiFrame" ).show();              

but still no dice.

This is an issue acknowledged by MS here:


where SELECT elements are considered Windowed elements and thus take 
display priority over Windowless elements such as DIVs irregardless of 
the z-index. The only exception to this are IFRAMES and thats why I was 
trying to drop one in behind the DIV. Its called "shimming". I just 
can't get it to work.

Any help would be appreciated.


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