I've finished my mousewheel plugin + docs + test/example.

The example/test page: http://brandonaaron.net/jquery/mousewheel/mousewheel.html
The code: http://svn.brandonaaron.net/svn/jquery_plugins/mousewheel.js
The blog entry:
The blog entry is just me rambling a little bit. The inline docs are
probably better.

The biggest annoyance/issue was that Firefox/Mozilla doesn't allow the
DOMMouseScroll event to be cancelable. So I had to hack around it but
finally figured out a way to allow the default to be prevented.

BTW, this uses the $().hover method and it has a bug that I've logged
and supplied a patch for here: http://jquery.com/dev/bugs/bug/222/

As this is my first plugin, if there is anything I should do
differently or any enhancements I could make (or if you find any bugs)
just let me know. :)

Brandon Aaron

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