Hey guys,
I'm having some issues with a commenting module built using jQuery 
ajaxForm().  The commenting module simply takes the data from a textarea 
in a form and submits it to a Php processing script for behind the 
scenes processing.  Most of the time, (95%) the system performs as 
intended but every once in awhile a user reports issues with being sent 
to a blank page upon pressing the submit button to the form.  It appears 
that people on slower connections are sometimes being sent to the Php 
processing script defined in the <form action="foo.php"> attribute which 
in turn reveals the blank foo.php page with no action performed.  
Essentially, the form is acting normally and being physically sent to 
foo.php instead of performing the intended behind the scenes AJAX behavior.

Any ideas on why this is happening and how to correct it, I'm pretty 
stumped, Thanks!


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