Why do some functions begin with '$.' such as $.each() but most don't?

If the call to $(document).ready() is from another included js file, 
what's the best way make sure jQuery is loaded before calling it?

Is there a way to use each() and have it stop part way through? (I'm 
using each() to search for something and I'd like jQuery to stop when 
it's been found.) Is there a better function to use? How about each() 
accepting a Boolean from the called function that let's it know 
whether to continue through the collection?

Could someone please fix the Table of Contents at the top of the API 
page to work with Safari?

Is there any common reason why some plugins don't work in Safari? 
Such as panView, Tablesorter, Clipregion, some  of the Interface 
demos, TweenBox, 3d Universe (mostly works with some visual problems)?



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