Nice, I need this for a project. I don't like such things, but the client really likes it .

About windows: i made a change in resizeables to drag resized element with the same rules as resizing (minTop, minLeft,maxBottom, maxRight). You can use a handler to drag it, or the element itself. At this point making windows with resizeables is quite easy.

So i've made yet another plugin. I prefer that this plugin will be a part
of Interface, since they are interface plugins. As for now i have it
working for Checkboxes in both FF and MSIE 6.x, but i want to do
some more testing.

*What's new?*
I've made quite a few improvements upon the other implementations found on
this list, but the code is still very simple and easy to understand/use.

The checkbox/radio can have a lot of states;
- off: no mouse over
- off: mouse over
- off: mouse down
- on: no mouse over
- on: mouse over
- on: mouse down
- disabled: no mouse over

--> All will be automaticly styled using CSS.

A demo URL will be up within a week. This plugin has a higher priority
then the window plugin. I know you guys are all waiting on the window
plugin, but i want to release this plugin, and maybe other UI widgets...

*Refactoring needed?*
Right now, all CSS classes for the above mentioned states must be defined,
but i am thinking about refactoring this technique into a new plugin for
which you can specify options, since we can also use this technique for
buttons and some other widgets.. If i decide to do this, a demo will be up
in 2 weeks or so...

If you want to see how the end result CAN look, take a look at the "Today
screen" in Live Messenger and at the bottom there is a checkbox.
Or check this site:

To be continued...

-- Gilles

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