I could do that. I'll post it when I'm done.


Rey Bango wrote:
Chris, don't sell yourself short bud. Your CF-specific code, especially 
the JSon stuff would be a great basis for a tutorial. Since you and I 
have really been pushing jQuery to the CF community, that type of code 
sample would be a big help in getting CF developers up to speed in jQuery.

It'd be awesome if you could whip up a demo of pulling data from CF and 
converting it to JSon format for manipulation via jQuery.


Christopher Jordan wrote:
I have to agree that more examples of coding practices would be 
extremely helpful. I've got some jQuery stuff workin' on my app., but 
I'm almost positive, that I'm missing out on some of the real power that 
the library offers. It's probably because I come from a procedural 
programing background, and objects still (sometimes) get the better of me.

I'd offer to help, but I think I'd just be in the way. :o) I'm rather 
hoping that something like this comes together, and I can benefit from 
it -- okay so I'm selfish... :op


Rey Bango wrote:

Hi Paul,

This is the type of stuff that I think would be SSSSOOO helpful in a 
tutorial or demo page. Like a best practices type of thing. I recently 
spent a lot of time talking to John about how to get the project more 
exposure and one of the things we threw out was getting more examples of 
coding practices on the site.

Would you mind terribly jotting down some of these examples? I think 
they'd really help new users transition to jQuery.

Let me know.


Paul Bakaus wrote:

Sure Rey ;-)

Maybe my email was a bit too enthusiastic. Don't get me wrong, I'm not 
talking about the script itself, of course it has some problems and 
drawbacks and whatelse. And I really like the way of jQuery animating 

It's all about the method.

Having a div-element with a certain style, then the jQuery way could be 
like this:

1.) $("#mydiv").animateStyle("background-color: #eee; border: 1px solid 
black; opacity: 0.5;");
->If only one param given, this function animates from the current style 
of the element, to the one given into the function.

2) $("#mydiv").animateStyle(old, new);
->animate from one style to the second

but now my own killer feature :D

3.) $("#mydiv").animateClass(oldClass, newClass); -or- 
->So you change the class of the object, but you animate the change.

Waiting for comments!

2006/11/6, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:

   If all the animation features are in jQuery standalone, then I'm onboard
   with Dan.

   What would be good, though, is if a page showing this being done in
   jQuery was created. Paul, are you up for that challenge? :o)


    > Paul Bakaus wrote:
    >>Hey guys,
    >>has someone seen this at ajaxian? Check it out:
    >>This is probably the most sexiest animate lib I've ever seen in
   my life.
    >>Porting this to jQuery would be the PERFECT addition to jQuery's css
    >>What do you think?
    >>Paul Bakaus
    >>Web Developer
    >>Hildastr. 35
    >>79102 Freiburg
    >>jQuery mailing list
    >>discuss@jquery.com <mailto:discuss@jquery.com>

   jQuery mailing list
   discuss@jquery.com <mailto:discuss@jquery.com>

Paul Bakaus
Web Developer
Hildastr. 35
79102 Freiburg


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