It also does this in IE6 WinXP/sp2. One other caveat is that the cgi
also attempts to set cookies in the response header. I don't know if
that makes a difference... but there it is.

On 11/8/06, Paul McLanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't make it stop spitting out the meta tags before the rest of the
> html (which I can control).  Fortunately I don't need the response, I
> just need to submit data to the CGI.  This all works great in FF and
> Safari.  However, IE7 crashes hard. I have to kill it in the task
> manager before I can do anything else. As far as I can tell w/ some
> console logs that it will perform before going Tango Uniform (Tits
> Up), it is crashing at processing that response.  Have any of you seen
> this, and can I have jQuery completely ignore the response if I don't
> need it? I have tried version 1.0.3 packed, and latest SVN not packed.
> I tried using the latest form plugin, and also doing the form variable
> collection ans submission manually.  I'm fresh out of ideas. I realize
> that it may be the XHR object itself that's crashing and nothing to do
> w/ jQuery. But I'm hoping it's fixable.
> Thanks,
> Paul

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